Thursday, June 5, 2014

Nonprofit Fundraising Toolbox - Inked to the People

This week, we're going to talk about t-shirts as a way to raise money for your campaign. If you've ever gone through the hassle of having a shirt designed and then printed, you're probably going to want to run away screaming in horror.

However, a new website called Inked to the People just might help change the way you feel about t-shirts for your cause.

Here's how it works. You create a t-shirt design. If you don't have a designer to create the shirt for you, that's okay, Inked for the People can help you with that. You can also use their design tool to create a basic design.

Once you have your design, upload it to the Inked to the People website at

Next, you'll need to set a goal. How many t-shirts do you want to sell? Try setting a small goal at first until you get a feel for how popular your t-shirts will be with your supporters.

Finally, you simple make the sale live and blast out the sale to your community! And the best part is, there is no out of pocket deposit needed. It's free to start a campaign. Once you meet your goal, Ink to the People will print up your shirts and ship them out. And then you'll receive your check about 3 weeks later.

Another option Inked to the People has for nonprofits is a partnership program that lets your supporters do all the work!

This allows your supporters to run their own t-shirt campaigns and contribute 5% of their sales directly to your nonprofit.

To sign up to be a partner, click here.

Pretty cool, huh?

You never have to worry about the logistics of t-shirt printing again! And there's absolutely no risk involved for you. If you don't make your goal, all the money will be refunded, and you can either try again with a smaller goal or move on to the next big idea!


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