Thursday, December 19, 2013

How to Create a Facebook Page for Your Non-Profit

If you're one of those few people who have managed to avoid creating a Facebook account, you may want to reconsider, especially when it comes to the success of your non-profit. Facebook has quickly become one of the most successful venues for non-profits to fundraise and interact with their donors and volunteers in a fun, personal manner.

The Humane Society of the United States raises more than $200,000 each year from their Facebook efforts alone and focuses about 70% of all their social media efforts solely on Facebook.

Facebook is a proven, viable market for non-profits to drum up additional donations and if you're not taking advantage of this social network yet, you're missing out.

Here's how to set up your non-profit's facebook account in just a few easy steps.

Step 1: Create a Facebook Account. If you don't have a Facebook account already, it's time to join the masses and get on board. Just go to to sign up.

Step 2. Create a Facebook Non Profit Page. Once you have created your facebook account, you need to Create a Page for your non-profit. Go to to get started. Click on "Cause or Community."

Step 3. Fill in Your Non-Profit's Information. Fill in your Non-Profit's name in the blank and agree to the Facebook terms. You'll then be asked to fill in additional information about your non-profit such as a brief description and a website.

Step 4. Upload a Profile Image. Your profile image must be at least 180 x 180 pixels. This is a great place to put your non-profit's logo. Click here for some additional resources from Facebook's help section on setting up your profile image.

Step 5. Upload a Cover Photo. Once your page is created, you have the option of uploading a cover image. This is the larger image that appears at the top of your page. This is a great place to put an image that represents your cause. The image size must be 851 x 315 and the image should be less than 100 kilobytes. Click here for more information on setting up your cover photo.

Step 6. Plan Interesting Content and Post! Now that your page is ready, it's time to start using it. Having a general plan about the kind of information you'd like to post is generally a good idea. You want to create a place where donors and volunteers who are passionate about your cause can come and discover current information about your non-profit. Feel free to post about any events or drives that you are currently running. Have fun with it!

Step 6. Invite People to Like Your Page. Get the word out about your page! Whether by inviting people through Facebook, word of mouth, or email, it's important that you continue to drive people to your non-profit's Facebook page.

Creating a Facebook page for your non-profit may seem like an intimidating task if you're not very tech savvy, but it's actually a very simple process. If you are feeling uneasy about it or want help, you can always ask a friend or relative who's familiar with Facebook to help.There are also many companies who offer social media services, such as creating and managing your Facebook page for you.

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