Thursday, September 19, 2013

Online Fundraising CRM and Grant Management with DataIdeal

Finding the perfect online fundraising CRM and grant management tool for your small non-profit can be a real challenge. Some online CRM programs offer you way too much information, and you soon get swallowed in the overkill of bells and whistles that you simply don't need. Other web CRM programs offer only the bare bones minimum that won't get you very far as you continue to grow your non-profit.

That's why DataIdeal strikes the perfect balance between power and simplicity, giving you tools that are easy to use, and yet extremely effective.

All Your Contacts, All the Time

Because DataIdeal is an online fundraising CRM, you'll be able to store all your non-profit contact information in a safe, secure place that you can tap into anywhere you have access to the internet!

That means, no matter where you are, you'll have your complete contact database with you and your team at all times!

At a fundraising event and need to contact a potential donor to set up a meeting? No problem! With DataIdeal as your online fundraising CRM, all you have to do is sign in to our secure online system, and you'll have instant access to all your contact's pertinent information. It's that easy!

A Powerfully Effective Grant Management Solution

In addition to being an amazing online fundraising CRM, DataIdeal is also a powerful grant management solution! Using our unique Journaling feature, you'll be able to effectively manage your relationships with foundations and track your proposal status and key conversations with ease.

It's simple to use and extremely effective as a grant management tool. All you need to do is track your notes, thoughts, and deliverables in a Journal that's associated with the foundation contact, and you can capture any and all important information that you can refer to at any time.

You can also use DataIdeal to mark the current status of your proposal by selecting what stage the process is in and whether it's been accepted or declined.

Need a refresher on the last phone call you had regarding your proposal? Just check the Journal you created and read over all your previous notes to ensure you're up to date on all the latest information. There's no better way to impress than to have all your ducks in a row. With DataIdeal, you'll have no problem tracking your progress.

Tap into DataIdeal's Volunteer and Staff Recruitment Tracking

Because you can track your conversations and notes with DataIdeal's comprehensive Journaling tool, you'll also be able to capture vital information about the people you meet and work with.

Maybe you have certain volunteers who are only available in the summer months? Or maybe you want to make note of what staff members worked at a particular fundraising event? It's all here for you with DataIdeal's comprehensive contact Journaling system. 

You can even use the Journaling system to track all your recruiting efforts to keep tabs on who you've talked to, where you met them, and the best way to reach them when you need to follow up. 

Whatever information you want to capture about your staff and volunteer network, DataIdeal will help you manage each and every person who has contributed to your small non-profit.

If you're ready to experience for yourself DataIdeal as an Online Fundraising CRM and Grant Management Tool, then click here to get started with a FREE 30-day trial.

1 comment:

  1. I feel that if organizations started implementing the Citizen development platform they can easily reduce the load of development work on IT departments.
