Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Harnessing Instagram for Fundraising

A photo might be worth a thousand words, but how many dollars is it worth to your fundraising efforts? For organizations that are active on Instagram, the answer may be, “Many.”  But, unfortunately, the organizations that can answer the question at all are few.

Instagram is the most underutilized social media platform for nonprofit organizations, despite its popularity. The reason has much to do with limitations in the platform. Instagram does not provide a way to include clickable links within the photos or comments. This makes it difficult to drive traffic to a website, and to covert viewers into donors. Because there doesn't appear to be a direct way to raise funds through Instagram, many organizations eschew the platform to focus on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

However, Instagram does one thing better than any other social media platform. It allows organizations to tell a visual story. By showcasing the emotional highs and lows, and the problems and solutions your organization deals with, followers can form a personal and emotional connection. And that connection can spell out good fortunes for your fundraising campaign.  You just have to know how to channel the power of a photo into action.

Be Transparent
Sometimes the best connections happen when you quit trying so hard to make them. Your organization’s Instagram doesn't need to be filled with carefully posed and edited portraits. Instead focus on providing an authentic and honest peek into the daily life of your mission, staff, volunteers and beneficiaries. Think of Instagram like a backstage pass into your organization. Post photos of the needs you are trying to meet, the work that it takes to get there and the results you are achieving, all on a personal, emotional level.

Provide Balance
Whether you are ending homelessness or cleaning the oceans, it's clear that passion must fuel a nonprofit. And, your Instagram followers need to see that to understand the need. But, that’s not all they need to see. Balance out the tears with plenty of smiles. Showcase happy volunteers, excited program participants, and the positive impact you are making. Both the ups and the downs need a spot on your Instagram feed.

Post Often
The beauty of social media over a static website is that you can get screen time with potential supporters on an ongoing basis. While you don’t want to spam anyone, you do what to be a constant presence since that is what will eventually convert followers into donors or volunteers. Be sure to post fresh content at least once at day.

Get Wordy
Have you noticed something about the photos in this post? They all contain a little something extra.  Words. While simple snapshots make excellent Instagram content, you can also rev up the impact with a bit of text, added in a basic editing program such as PicMonkey. You also have the opportunity to add relevant text in the description of each photo. This is the perfect spot to include your website address as well as some helpful hashtags.

Putting It All Together
We’ve discussed what to post, but how does it all come together to benefit your fundraising efforts? Including a call to action allows you to promote your website, your text-to-give campaign, or your next fundraising event. It can also be used to thank your current donors and volunteers in a fun, public way. But the real benefit is often less tangible. As follows share your content, you are increasing your reach. And as people experience your organization’s story in a visual format, they become more likely to donate and volunteer in the future.